International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies - FEST 2019, Greater Noida (India). 21-22 diciembre 2019
Emotions intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize, implement, understand, and control emotions in de nite way to reduce stress, make interaction e ectively, overwhelmed challenges, and defusing con ict. The ideology behind entire perspective is that the students will develop themselves into what they are capable of becoming, provided we make them aware about emotional intelligence and the institute environment and parents create the appropriate circumstances for the development of intelligence. This study is not proposed to determine whether individual student becomes e ective or ine ective. It is about examine the connections and interconnection between emotional intelligence and its component determinants along with understanding and level of responsibility in communication. It is also about formulating emotional intelligence radars and ladders to facilitate competency development. A survey was carried out, which consists of a sample researches in linkage to the gathering of data by setting up a questionnaire and structured involvement with various variables to identify design of associations. Descriptive analysis is deployed to derive meaningful and substantive conclusions and it indicates that the addressed sample was accurate and the di erent objects developed are signi cant for the performance measures. Further, the data obtained from the survey is put through statistical analysis utilizing statistical calculating package IBM SPSS Statistics.
This study follows the relational model of database systems development that organizes and represents data in the form of tables and relations.
Publicado en Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp: 012016-1/102016-10, ISSN: 1742-6588
Fecha de publicación: 2019-12-21.
A. Garg, P. Agrawal, T. Ganesh, A statistical study on the emotional intelligence of B.Tech students of NIT Hamirpur, International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies - FEST 2019, Greater Noida (India). 21-22 diciembre 2019. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1478, ISSN: 1742-6588